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YOUR tailored
BUSINESS Consultants,
SPARRING Partners and
executive INTERIM Managers.

we move you on!

Strategy and Leadership Consulting

We are OPOLUS solutions
Your Experts for Optimization, Growth and Interim Management

Advisory Services

  • Digitalisation

  • Restructuring

  • Transformation

  • Crisis Management

  • Change Management

  • Corporate Management

  • Turnaround Management

  • Project Management Coaching

  • Strategic Business Development

Interims Missions

  • Advisory Board

  • Board of Directors

  • Chief Sales Officer

  • Chief Digital Officer

  • Chief Executive Officer

  • Senior Project Manager

  • Chief Innovation Officer

  • Senior Key Account Manager

  • Head/Director Service/Business Unit/Divison

Start: Dienstleistungen

Discover our Competencies

Your vision is important to us, we at OPOLUS solutions can't wait to work with you.

We analyze your needs and provide the necessary entrepreneurial sparring with focus on impact to succeed.

Since years, clients have been turning to us, a value based and professional solution oriented advisory boutique that is able to deliver tailor-made sustainable added value.

OPOLUS solutions is YOUR trusted Sparring Partner and Executive Interim Management expert,

ready to support you in:

  • Restructuring and managing crises

  • Bridging critical bottlenecks

  • Executing special projects

  • Developing strategies for growth

  • Transforming change into success and innovation into reality

Let us support your company’s journey toward sustainable growth and lasting success.


  • Holistic Strategy and Management Advisory

  • Taking over Advisory Board Tasks and Mandates

  • Guiding through Complex Projects and difficult Plans

  • Encourage and facilitate appropriate Succession Planning

  • Connecting People to create Business and open new Potential

  • Enabling Change and Innovation to contribute to sustainable Development

  • Investigate and support to maintain an appropriate Customer Journey planning 

  • Identify Digital Possibilities for more Automation or beneficial Market Opportunities


Innovation & Digitalization

People & Culture

Mergers & Acquisitions

Start-ups & Incorporations

Restructuring & Transformation

Strategy Development Switzerland

Leadership & Sustainability

Organisation & Development

Strategy & Circularity

Customer & Experience

Mandates & Executive Interim Management

Business Meeting
Ad interim and Project Management

Your Solution Finder

Would you like to establish or develop your company, enter the market, need a representative, develop your market position or do you just want to achieve outstanding corporate governance, but are not sure what to do? Do you need help in planning or implementing your next complex project or increase your level of process automation? Let us support you. Any business can move forward, even sometimes with small, but incremental changes.


In order to be prepared for the future in today's rapidly developing world, you have to raise up some important questions, use new technologies, reset the business, seize opportunities with courage and make well thought-out decisions.

With many years of experience and a combined holistic approach with specialist knowledge, we help you and your company to achieve new top performance. We at OPOLUS solutions combine our insights and competencies in order to transform your culture, processes and strategies. We are here to develop and to improve you and your business to succeed.


We help you to innovate and develop sustainable in a constantly changing world.


We want to be a valued sparring partner to our clients and an asset to our communities.


As often too much focus is given to see the difficulty in every opportunity; we help to find the opportunity in every difficulty.

How we can help you?

We are focussed to any difficult challenge, especially at board or c-level and offer to analyse your situation and to support you in complex topics related to founding, innovation, digitalisation, transformation, automation, acquisition, integration, representation, growth and sustainable development to create added value, while we especially also support executives and boards in critical reflection, leadership excellence, governance subjects, strategic decision taking and corporate process alignment, as well as we are available for various kind of difficult projects in case internal resources are lacking. 

Or in other words, we support people and companies that aren't where they used to be or aren't yet there where they should be to prepare the future and purpose of both.

Our services are offered both on a fix or project basis or with a flexible design for short- or long-term interim management and advisory solutions.

Start: Liste

Customer Journey

Holistic optimization of Customer Satisfaction

An excellent customer experience concept ensures that a customer has a positive experience throughout the buying, but also the service and caring process.

If a customer has had a positive experience during the buying process, there is a higher likelihood that they will remain loyal to a company and will buy from this company again and again.

A good customer experience concept takes into account all possible challenges that customers have during the buying process, minimizing the chances of complaints and failures.

When a customer is satisfied with a purchase and experience, they are more likely to recommend the company, the highest value in marketing.

An excellent customer experience concept can improve the efficiency of the company and gain valuable insights into the behaviour of customers. As a result, productivity increases, less time and money is required for customer retention and the effectiveness of marketing and sales strategies can be optimized.


Fields of advice

  • Corporate Governance

  • Fair Process Leadership

  • Strategic Business Development

  • Customer Experience

  • Customer Lifecycle Management

  • Change Management

  • Restructuring Management

  • Integration Management

  • Pragmatic Mediation

  • Connected Digitalization

  • Cyber Resilience

  • Mergers and Acquisitions

  • Start-up Advisory


Affected areas

  • Technological changes lead to new business models (innovation, digital)

  • New business processes can change entire industries (change, transformation, disruption)

  • Globalization is associated with social change (ethics, politics, wealth, health)

  • Corporate governance under the aspect of fair process leadership (culture, risk management)

  • New cooperations to fulfill customer expecations of today (liasion, relationship, interconnect)

  • Labour force trends with it's future skill needs (demographic change, digitisation, extensive value chains, increased complexity)


Unlock your mental health

  • Creating a trusted environment to get a safe space for reflection with immediate impact while
    coaching’s are organized at your pace and place of convenience

  • Creating space for a deeper level of learning by exploring filters and sensitive dilemmas about the self

  • Nurturing a growth mindset to become the best leader you can be to deal successful with the todays challenges

  • Active engagement in the learning process allows to implement new practices and on-going development

  • Becoming a reflective leader who can act swiftly and decisively without losing sight of the bigger picture


Development of business and people

  • Assistance for mergers, acquisitions and growth

  • Collaboration with due dilligences

  • Advice on succession planning

  • Support with talent management, shadowing and mentoring

  • Support to draft compensation models

  • Access to our extensive network in Switzerland and abroad

Risk Management

Higher critical maturity

  • Bridging gaps in internal capabilities through external independent services

  • Identifying, assessing and controlling every day threats to an organization's capital and earnings

  • Considering a wide variety of sources, including financial uncertainty, legal liabilities, strategic management errors, accidents, operational human errors and natural disasters

  • Fulfilling mental health and physical wellbeing responsibilities for the people

  • Reduce incidents and protect workforce, customers and business from claims, fines and reputational damage

  • Find cost-effective risk management strategies to support a successful and sustainable business


Guiding automation and transformation

  • Encouraging optimizing processes and organization

  • Challenge the customer journey

  • Innovate to break up structures and support change projects

  • Design job architecture and grading

  • Support the transition to the new world of digital work

  • Strengthen trust among internal and external stakeholders

  • Coordinating relationship management


Analyzing the current situation

  • Creating financial and other transparency

  • Evaluation of problematic interfaces

  • Define optimization actions

  • Managing optimization programs

  • Define performance management

  • Coaching and onboarding of CEO's

Board Services

Independence and governance

  • To demonstrate a commitment for good corporate governance to families, owners, shareholders and any kind of investors, it should be ensured that boards contain an appropriate number of experienced, well educated, networked and in particular independent non-conflicted directors

  • Independence is key for effective corporate governance, any director employed by a service provider or advisor of any kind of vehicle cannot be truly independent and will find it difficult to avoid giving the impression of conflict of interest

  • Independent directors, managers or officers are typically not affiliated with any administration group, law firm, management company or any other service provider and therefore free from any potential conflict of interest

  • Pressures on governmental budgets across Europe has led to tax authorities reviewing and challenging cross-border structures to prove genuine substance

  • We are Swiss citizen, working permanently in Switzerland and having our family homes in Switzerland as well, thus without any claim to residency that could be questioned and therefore no risk of challenge on the Swiss substance

  • Having occupied executive, non-executive and various senior management roles in Switzerland but also all over the planet, we commit the appropriate amount of time to ensure good governance

Start: Unser Profil


OPOLUS solutions offers you a comprehensive range of experience and in-depth knowledge to help you to solve the most complex challenges.


Our senior profile contains the following experience:

> 25 years management- and leadership positions

> 20 years CEO

> 20 years non-executive board director

> 10 years non-executive chairman

> 04 years board advisory and executive interim management

Projects in:

Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Netherland, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Thailand, Dominican Republic, Russia…

Fluent in:

Swiss German, German, English.

Experienced in:

IT, Telecommunications, Infrastructure, Insurance, Property, Restoration, Facility Management, Environmental Services, Finance, Logistics, Retail Trade, Hospitality, NGO, Government, Customer Interaction, Claims Management, Risk Management, Crisis Management, Change Management, Restructuring Management, Coaching, Mentoring...

Some certifications of our senior advisor profile:

INSEAD - Leading from the Chair


INSEAD - Corporate Governance

INSEAD - Global Management

INSEAD - Advanced Management

MIT - Blockchain Technologies for Executives

HSG - Senior Management

HSG - Competence in Insurance Management

HSG - Corporate Strategy

SCA - Systemic Business- and Management Coach

EUBS - Executive Master in Business Administration

KVZ - Technical Business Manager

Opolus Zürich Switzerland Strategy Advisory and Board Services

Would you like to experience the expertise of OPOLUS solutions yourself? Please contact us and we will discuss together what we can do for you.

Start: Kunden

Some References


Sandro Gerber Opolus Zürich Switzerland



Sandro GERBER is a sparring partner, strategic coach, management consultant, executive advisor and leadership mentor. He started in 2003 to support various companies at management- and also at board-level, nationally and internationally.


At the beginning of his professional career, he worked as an administrative clerk before he then concentrated more on sales management, marketing tasks and project management. He has then over the past 25 years held various management, CEO and board member positions in national and international companies with a focus on services, technology, infrastructure and construction.


Sandro GERBER was especially involved early on and repeatedly in the development, redesign and transformation of various industries and companies and has therefore considerable experience in the areas of transformation, innovation, digitalisation, corporate development, change, market liberalization, business development, restructuring, mergers and acquisitions.


He has an Executive MBA degree and various academic certifications in the areas of organization, sales, leadership, strategy, change and business management as well as corporate governance from various universities such as INSEAD, MIT, the University of St. Gallen and the European University.

